Футбол. 25-го мая в американском Миннеаполисе случился трагичный инцидент, который сдетонировал целую волну массовых беспорядков.

Местные жители вышли на улицы города, протестуя против действий полицейского, из-за которых накануне погиб темнокожий мужчина.

Известная фигуристка Ванесса Джеймс призналась, что очень тяжело пережила последние события в США.

- Сегодня мои глаза красные и опухшие, я прорыдала прошлую ночь, — написала Ванесса Джеймс в Instagram. — Почему? Потому что видела, как с человеком моего цвета кожи обращались как с диким животным и убили его.

Последние новости фигурного катания на нашем портале.

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Today my eyes are red and swollen, I cried myself to sleep last night. Why? Because I saw a man of my complexion treated and killed like a wild animal, by another human being. I wasn't crying just for this man I don't know, but for the black man who was also executed 2 weeks ago, and the black woman a month ago, and the black men last year, and all the men and women before them... all with the same fate. I cried for the families of the men and women killed off camera, that have no chance at justice for their loved ones, lost to hatred and racism. As I write, my tears smear the black ink on my white paper. It's hard to make out the words as the ink runs and stains all I've written. Like the names, dates, places and senseless reasons for the numerous mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters lost and forgotten throughout the years. I'm tired of seeing black faces with RIP on my timeline. I'm tired of being diplomatic and making people "feel comfortable". (It may be long overdue) but today I am speaking up! Today I am uncomfortable... so I TRULY HOPE that everyone reading this is just as uncomfortable! So no, I am NOT ok! But I am grateful, and I find comfort in the fact that together and united, we can stop this. It's not a White, Black, Asian, Latino or any other race or community's responsibility to put an end to racism. It's all of ours! #❤ No one should be ashamed or afraid of their race, sexuality, disability etc. I was tagged last week to share "How I'm really doing" for the Mental Health Coalition! I am grateful for such an awesome initiative during these times, but today I wanted to share how I'm REALLY feeling for THIS REASON!

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